Where to Watch
Chuck norris
Birthday Cake and Kicks: It's a Chuck's Birthday Bash 'Em Up Celebration
In honor of Norris turning 85, H&I is celebrating with a Walker, Texas Ranger marathon.
Chuck Norris doesn't see age ''as a reason to slow down''
What's age? It's just a number to Chuck Norris.
Are these episodes of The Fall Guy or Walker, Texas Ranger?
Get ready to walk with this Fall Guy. (ha!)
Chuck Norris was bitten by a snake on the set of Walker, Texas Ranger
It already sounds like a setup for a Chuck Norris joke.
Chuck Norris didn't think he'd ever star on television until Walker, Texas Ranger
No role interested Chuck quite like Cordell Walker.
Chuck Norris was initially confused by all those Chuck Norris jokes
What's your favorite Chuck Norris joke?
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